Make your Christmas a healthy one with Abundant Life Wholefoods

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Christmas is often that time of year where everyone sbellseems to loosen the reins on those strict eating plans and healthy choices.

With all the temptation of beautifully iced Christmas cakes and chocies from advent calenders and all the planning for Christmas day lunch one does tend to just settle for the bright shiny preservative loaded, sugar laden options.

At Abundant Life Wholefoods we are seeking to provide our customers with a variety of healthy options for that Christmas Day treat.

Orders for our organic Peking Ducks are already coming in.

We are waiting for the pricing on organic gammons, turkeys, salt beef and rolled pork roasts.

Other treats that are looking to be on our shelves or on order are:

– paleo sticky date puddingRAW-CHRISTMAS-PUDDING_MG_3305-652x978

– Christmas hampers (organic wine, nut butter, tea and dried fruit)

-Rhubarb tart

– Apple Pie Tarts