Creamy, tomatoey chicken yumminess

posted in: What's for dinner | 0

If you eat pasta then by all means serve this amazing chicken with pasta.
However for those who are Banting or Paleo or just not eating pasta, use baby marrows shaved into ribbons using a peeler.

  • 1 onion chopped
  • 1 tsp dried chilli flakes
  • 1 tsp ground coriander
  • 2 cloves fresh garlic crushed
  • 500g chicken mince/ chicken strips/ 250g bacon (whichever you fancy)
  • (I’m using organic chicken mince)
  • 2 cans chopped tomatoes/ if you like me and prefer to use fresh tomatoes then the equivelent amount of fresh
  • 2 tsp Xylitol
  • 1 cup sugar snap peas
  • ground pepper 1/2 cup organic cream/ plain yoghurt
  • 2 Tbl chopped parsley and fresh basil

Cook the pasta until done/ heat up a pan with a drizzle of avo oil and give the marrow ribbons a quick flash in the pan.

In a pan heat some oil and fry the onions, chilli, coriander powder and garlic
Add the chicken/bacon and brown before adding the tomatoes and xylitol
Bring to a gentle simmer for about 30 mins until sauce starst to thicken and goes rich red-brick colour (mmmmm…)
Add the sugar snap peas, pepper and cream/yoghurt and simmer for 5 mins
Serve over the pasta/ marrow ribbons and garnish with the fresh herbs