The goal is to produce a product as naturally as possible.
The raw milk (unpasteurised & unhomogenised) is based on extensive research found that processed milk has negative effects on both the milk & absorption by humans. It has taken a huge amount of negotiation with local authorities to pass required tests but currently requirements have been met. It must be however highlighted to customers that they are consuming raw milk as a requirement of the Health Department. There is extensive information available to support the sale of raw milk if the dairy from where it can be sourced from maintains a very high standard of hygiene & health of the cow including TB & CA free certification (my suppliers were recertified in Feb2014) & test results on bacteria meet the required minimum levels (they have pasted tests for the last 8 years).With regards to yoghurts, they do not add any gelatine, starch or other stabilizer into the product. The yoghurts constancy is naturally thick & creamy. This however may result in a cream layer forming on the top of the yoghurt. No preservatives, artificial colourants or flavourants are added. A natural fruit puree that is sweetened with grape or apple, is used for the fruit yoghurts. Due to no stabilizers the product may have a small amount of whey separation but there is nothing wrong with the product. Give it a shake & it will mix back in. It is important to highlight this as people tend to think the product has gone off but this is a natural process which could be prevented by added an artificial stabilizers. I would rather educate people on the natural processes then add an artificial agent into the product.
Organic, Free-Range Whole Milk |
Drinking Milk 500ml |
Drinking Yoghurts
Eggs |